Thursday, October 2, 2014


I know it sounds strange, but steak took on a whole new meaning when Brandi and Eric were just 4 and 2 years old.  You see, I was a single mother with two toddlers working three jobs. A special man would show up at my apartment with steaks. He would say he bought too many. Yeah, right, like I was supposed to believe that! He was/is a very intelligent man. A businessman who can do finances as easy as most breathe. This man was to be my father-in-law and I thank God for him and the guidance and encouragement he never realized he gave.

His son was determined to be a part of my life. He made it a point to get to me through the children. He would show up unexpected and convince me that the children really needed to go to McDonald's or Charles Towne Landing. He would actually make me feel guilty if I tried to say no. Oh, how Brandi and Eric loved him coming! He made them laugh when their world was so unsure.

My wonderful "steak" man sent Robert and me on dates alone by saying he needed to use his meals at the Charleston Country Club or he needed us to go to Lobsteer, his friend's restaurant, for the couple's special. He would say he will keep the children while we were gone. He knew I wouldn't leave them with just anyone. We would never have gone on "dates" alone without this offer except when the babies were gone for visitation because I just never trusted anyone and wouldn't have imposed on the few I did trust.  I agreed, but was petrified the first few times. We wouldn't be gone longer than a couple of hours. What was I thinking? When we would get back to their house to get the children, Bob would be doing card tricks or something along those lines with the children. They were never happy that we were back already. Brandi and Eric loved their special time with Bob.

Years later, we went through a rough time and again this man was there for us. Robert was laid off from his job in GA. This was our chance to come home to SC. Bob welcomed us with open arms when Robert's new job in SC was gone before he even started it. While I know that we got on each others nerves at times since we were use to our own space, he did this for us.

We stayed with him while Robert found and started a new job in Charleston so the children could finish the school year without having to change schools again in the school year. Well, again, steaks. We had steaks so much that I didn't think I would ever be able to eat steak again. (I do now, but I never thought I would). He did this for us. He was just trying to take care of us.

God sends us what and who we need when we need it. I will always think of my dear father-in-law and all he did for us when steak is so much as even mentioned. Don't get me wrong, he is so much more than that, he is love, caring, and acceptance.

Father God I thank you for the wonderful people you put in my life when I thought life was so bleak and for leading me to a future that I never imagined.

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