Saturday, October 4, 2014

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Today my six year old granddaughter had a serious talk with me about going to church.

Tori, "I want you to come back to church."
Me, "Do you miss me coming?"
Tori, "Yes. I want you and BeBop to come back to church with me and mommy and Aubrey and Bradley. You NEED to come back. Tomorrow is Sunday and I want you to come."
Me, "We will, but BeBop has to work at the Shriners tomorrow. Maybe next week. I am not sure when, but I promise we will come back."

I am ashamed to say that I haven't been since the first call to come to VA in April when my dad was hospitalized. I hadn't missed a Sunday since the first of the year until then. Ironically, I was considering joining this church and the pastor had even asked me about joining the last Sunday I was there. Her even mentioning this made my heart melt. It was as if she had read my mind. (My membership is still in our last church in Greer/Taylors)

No, I am not angry at God. If anything, I am closer to Him. I just have had a problem with traveling, even a short distance, since all the trips to VA.  I have  to make myself drive/ride more than a couple of miles from my house.

Given that I travel 11 miles, one way, to work; this takes a lot out of me for some reason. The church is approximately the same distance which is only a 15 - 20 minute drive or so depending on traffic. I don't know what my problem is.  I love the church. I believe in a family church. I do wish it was closer to home, but we have visited churches near home, but something was missing. Simply put, our family wasn't a part of the churches we visited.

I feel God has been telling me to go back to that church and then my granddaughter had this conversation with me. Just when I have been struggling, Tori not only brings it up, but tells me flat out that I NEED to go. She stressed NEED. This sent chills down my spine and refuses to leave my mind.  My baby was so serious when she discussed how I NEED to go and how much she wants us there. It was as if she knew I am the one hesitating. Talk about out of the mouths of babes!

I know and I want to set a good example for my babies. I want my babies to grow up experiencing the feeling of having their family in the same church. I will go. God has this and He will guide me as to when. I know He will give me the push when His time is right.

I thank God for giving us just the right message when we need it. I thank Him for my special grandchildren that know they can tell me what needs to be said just when I need to hear it.

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