Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How To Let Jesus Hold You

It is so easy to let Jesus hold you.

Think of the pictures of Jesus with the little children. Picture the one where the child is sitting on His lap. Now, close your eyes and picture that you are that child on his lap with his arm around you.

Concentrate. Block everything else out except sitting on his lap.

Let your mind go and think only of Jesus holding you. While sitting on his lap, lean back and rest your head against his shoulder. Feel his arms hold you. Feel the way his love engulfs you. Feel how safe you are in those arms.

Now, rest there for a while. Now, just breathe and allow yourself to be renewed.

Think about the love he has for you while you rest in his arms. Take comfort in his love and the feeling of letting him hold you as a parent holds a tired child. Take comfort and know that he is your protector. He has you and he will always love you.

Rest assured that he is in control. He is giving you rest and he will take care of you.

One major thing I forgot to add: you need to picture Jesus larger than life; like the statue of Abraham Lincoln sitting down.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Have you ever thought of adopting a child? Have you ever thought of giving a child with nothing a life with unconditional love? I have. For some reason tonight this is heavy on my mind.  I don't have a lot, but I have room and a lot of love for a child of any race, culture, or nationality. A child that would know they are loved, accepted, and treasured. Don't let your fear of what others will think stop you. If you want to adopt a child and truly make that child a part of your life, don't let color of skin or anything stop you. If others have a problem with the child's nationality, color, etc., then, that is their problem and maybe you need to be friends with others that know we all are God's children.

Adoption is a major decision not to be made lightly. An adopted child is the same as a child which is born of your body. The only difference is that another gave birth to the child, but they become your true child the moment you fall in love and sign the papers to make the child your own.

Praying for all the children without parents and all the parents without children. May God lead you to each other. May His will be granted and accepted.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Today my six year old granddaughter had a serious talk with me about going to church.

Tori, "I want you to come back to church."
Me, "Do you miss me coming?"
Tori, "Yes. I want you and BeBop to come back to church with me and mommy and Aubrey and Bradley. You NEED to come back. Tomorrow is Sunday and I want you to come."
Me, "We will, but BeBop has to work at the Shriners tomorrow. Maybe next week. I am not sure when, but I promise we will come back."

I am ashamed to say that I haven't been since the first call to come to VA in April when my dad was hospitalized. I hadn't missed a Sunday since the first of the year until then. Ironically, I was considering joining this church and the pastor had even asked me about joining the last Sunday I was there. Her even mentioning this made my heart melt. It was as if she had read my mind. (My membership is still in our last church in Greer/Taylors)

No, I am not angry at God. If anything, I am closer to Him. I just have had a problem with traveling, even a short distance, since all the trips to VA.  I have  to make myself drive/ride more than a couple of miles from my house.

Given that I travel 11 miles, one way, to work; this takes a lot out of me for some reason. The church is approximately the same distance which is only a 15 - 20 minute drive or so depending on traffic. I don't know what my problem is.  I love the church. I believe in a family church. I do wish it was closer to home, but we have visited churches near home, but something was missing. Simply put, our family wasn't a part of the churches we visited.

I feel God has been telling me to go back to that church and then my granddaughter had this conversation with me. Just when I have been struggling, Tori not only brings it up, but tells me flat out that I NEED to go. She stressed NEED. This sent chills down my spine and refuses to leave my mind.  My baby was so serious when she discussed how I NEED to go and how much she wants us there. It was as if she knew I am the one hesitating. Talk about out of the mouths of babes!

I know and I want to set a good example for my babies. I want my babies to grow up experiencing the feeling of having their family in the same church. I will go. God has this and He will guide me as to when. I know He will give me the push when His time is right.

I thank God for giving us just the right message when we need it. I thank Him for my special grandchildren that know they can tell me what needs to be said just when I need to hear it.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I know it sounds strange, but steak took on a whole new meaning when Brandi and Eric were just 4 and 2 years old.  You see, I was a single mother with two toddlers working three jobs. A special man would show up at my apartment with steaks. He would say he bought too many. Yeah, right, like I was supposed to believe that! He was/is a very intelligent man. A businessman who can do finances as easy as most breathe. This man was to be my father-in-law and I thank God for him and the guidance and encouragement he never realized he gave.

His son was determined to be a part of my life. He made it a point to get to me through the children. He would show up unexpected and convince me that the children really needed to go to McDonald's or Charles Towne Landing. He would actually make me feel guilty if I tried to say no. Oh, how Brandi and Eric loved him coming! He made them laugh when their world was so unsure.

My wonderful "steak" man sent Robert and me on dates alone by saying he needed to use his meals at the Charleston Country Club or he needed us to go to Lobsteer, his friend's restaurant, for the couple's special. He would say he will keep the children while we were gone. He knew I wouldn't leave them with just anyone. We would never have gone on "dates" alone without this offer except when the babies were gone for visitation because I just never trusted anyone and wouldn't have imposed on the few I did trust.  I agreed, but was petrified the first few times. We wouldn't be gone longer than a couple of hours. What was I thinking? When we would get back to their house to get the children, Bob would be doing card tricks or something along those lines with the children. They were never happy that we were back already. Brandi and Eric loved their special time with Bob.

Years later, we went through a rough time and again this man was there for us. Robert was laid off from his job in GA. This was our chance to come home to SC. Bob welcomed us with open arms when Robert's new job in SC was gone before he even started it. While I know that we got on each others nerves at times since we were use to our own space, he did this for us.

We stayed with him while Robert found and started a new job in Charleston so the children could finish the school year without having to change schools again in the school year. Well, again, steaks. We had steaks so much that I didn't think I would ever be able to eat steak again. (I do now, but I never thought I would). He did this for us. He was just trying to take care of us.

God sends us what and who we need when we need it. I will always think of my dear father-in-law and all he did for us when steak is so much as even mentioned. Don't get me wrong, he is so much more than that, he is love, caring, and acceptance.

Father God I thank you for the wonderful people you put in my life when I thought life was so bleak and for leading me to a future that I never imagined.